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helper rank to enforce admins ?


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yo there, i am struggling to apply for admin cause of my time management, but i´d love to see an new rank for helpers...


helpers would be : community managers, help out new players by providing advices , chat overwatch, (enforce admins in investigation by social engineering? )

just to take off some "tiny" admins dutys without full mandatory of an admin and of course way less power.

helpers should be players with a good reputation in the server community and will be choosen by admins


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i have the same problem!  Have been toying with the idea of becoming an admin for awhile now but it has become very clear especially this last month with all the unexpected problems I have had mostly as a single parent that I would not be able to fulfill all the admin duties.  I still love to help anyone I run across though.

Maybe a titled of trusted played?  or experienced?  I love the idea I think it is worth trying :)

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Hey Fly and Reisa,

Have you checked with admins on your favorite RustEZ server to see if you can help out in specific ways? I've had a couple regular players on US Scourge help out by creating large public builds and being online with admins to help host an event at their build, which was a lot of fun. There are also players who jump in and welcome new players, show new players how to do different parts of the game content, build public heli towers, answer questions and so on.

It really is players like you who make the servers and community here a great thing to be a part of! Thanks for taking time to post your suggestions so we can read and discuss.

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  • Staff

ye. i got this idea when is was at 6am GMT+1 on eu servers and couldnt reach an admin, few players here and there but no admin in sight :) too bad i dont play US servers cause of ping ...

and i dont want bother the admins on EU Pure ( my main server ) if they are online everybody yells for them

\edit       i went on EU PvePvP and met an player, friendly guy, he wanted to skin my pump. but i was struggling to hand him my best gun. cause stealing is allowed. (so is scam i think? ) he pretended to be an admin on another server . okay. maybe he wanted to sweettalk me to get my pump, i dunno bit when i logged on survival he wrote me "told you Fly " in console ... so i recognized he is actually ... i cant remember his name, but if he would have been tagged by (trusty, helper) etc i would know who to trust :D


Edited by  Fly
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My thoughts,

You don't need a special rank to help out in a server. I actually doubt a special rank is even possible.. As far as i knows it could be done changing the name color, but the server owner has to do it so that a lot of extra work..
And making a rank like that will start a lot of problems ingame and will end up with all regular players having that rank, so it wont be special anymore..

If you wanna help us out, greet new players, give advise on how to play the game, show players how to do puzzle etc.  But for any "rule enforcing" you should apply to become admin because you need proper training for that. Without proper training you might give wrong info or make our job catching rule breakers more difficult or even impossible..

Overwatch the chat is always a good idea, that way you can help players and if you see someone spamming the chat, or speaking in an inappropriate manner you can ask to stop that and if they don't do you can Ping and admin or contact one on Discord.

If the main admins on EU pure are not online, there are still other admins that can come to help out in urgent cases. Just use the @Admin command ingame the send out an alert to them. But the best way to contact an admin when someone is breaking a rule is using discord. On discord you can also see wich admins are online, on what servers they can help,  and in the worst case cenario if a player is spamming like rasicm stuff etc you can call in Death the server owner.

You can also use discord for a casual chat with admins and players or send us event suggestions etc.

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