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Everything posted by Death

  1. The bradley in question has since been removed. Thanks for your report!
  2. This is a known game bug. It's something out of our control but Facepunch has been made aware. Thanks for your report!
  3. I haven't had any similar reports and since we do not touch electricity I will pass this bug report over to Facepunch just in case. Thanks for reporting it!
  4. Death

    Fire Power.

    Changed Status to Released
  5. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 10.22.20
  6. Death

    Fire Power.

    Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 10.22.20
  7. @kingdl1st I will be maintaining an additional version of the black market so Survival will have quarries for sale again until the new black market. I'm a bit behind on my schedule this month due to irl issues. Update They've been re-added. Sorry for the wait!
  8. Death

    Fire Power.

    Changed Status to Working
  9. It's the build zone for Water Treatment. They use sphere colliders for build zones which would explain the weird no build area.
  10. We use player entities for this purpose to simulate loot as if you were raiding an actual base. It shouldn't drop when it decays though but I don't feel that's a pressing issue right now. It'll be fixed sometime in a future update.
  11. Are you sure you logged into the correct server?
  12. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 10.18.20
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