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Everything posted by Beronica

  1. If it isn't yours, why are you even touching it? While it is not exactly against the rules to look, it still leaves your fingerprints all over the player's body thus causing you to be one of the suspects if something does go missing. It is like being caught at the scene of the crime even if you are not the one who committed the crime.
  2. Looking into things, it seems that you were already unbanned. Remember to have fun, and be respectful of the other players. And if it is not yours, do not touch it.
  3. On Saturday, February 2nd at 7pm UTC (2PM EST) EU pure will be hosting a Zombie Massacre fest on Admin Island. Each participant will be given basic clothing and a bow and some arrows to start. Scattered throughout the landscape are stashes and houses with various load outs that can either assist or hinder your progress. Winner will be the one who has killed the most zombies in the time allowed. Hope to see you there.
  4. Offender: < blank > (76561198299086818) Server: UK Pure Time: 2:43 PM EST Reason: Raiding; looting, twigging Info: Offender's backpack was found on a twig platform inside the external walls belonging to another player. Inside items from the nearby quarry and refinery were found. Another player spoke up on chat on how their quarry was stolen and it was the same offender. Offender came back to his backpack during the investigation and asked for his items back.
  5. Offender: Just Dick (76561198045329605) (BattleMetrics 255353338) Server: UK Pure Time: 12:43 PM EST Length: Permanent Reason: Looting and Raiding Additional Info: New player to the UK Pure server. Noticed that he was attempting to enter a nearby base, which he succeeded. Proceeded to loot pumpjack and refineries present. When confronted, he started attacking. Then continued by tossing out small bits of what he took in order for them to despawn. Proof: More available upon request
  6. Offender: Phil Swift: https://www.battlemetrics.com/rcon/players/141467744; SteamID: 76561198256891561 Time: 9:35PM EST 10/9/2018 Length: Permanent Reason: Raiding Notes: Searched for the one area not covered by the TC to build a ladder. When confronted, lied to the admin about why he was there, and refused to answer questions by suiciding when able before leaving the server.
  7. Join us on Friday September 28th @ 7 p.m. est on the US Pure sever. We will be holding our blackjack skydiving event on Pure! The object and rules are simple and are as follows: 1. Do not wear anything your not willing to lose as you will most likely die quite a few times during event! 2. The event is based off of a point system similar to 21 the card game. 3. First player to 21 wins (however we will also have a 2nd and 3rd place. 4. If you go over 21 you "bust" and your score resets to 0 and you must start over again. 5.Platform is broken up into different point values depending on material its made of. Point values are as follow: Twig - 2 points Wood - 3 points Stone- 4 points Metal - 5 points Armored - 6 points Bulls eye - 8 points Rewards: 1st place- 3 supply drops 2nd place- 2 supply drops 3rd place- 1 supply drop Looking forward to seeing you all there!
  8. The hardest part was coming up with the clues with the rhymes (or close proximity).
  9. For those of you not quite up to jumping to find a prize; Time to give your mind some exercise. Momma pookie has started the way Look for the first sign in X25 to find what it says Bring some wood to get yourself started Each item is needed for the next one charted And for those of you who don't have much wit Here is a small little hint: MY POOKIE ******** First five people to the end get a supply drop. I will also replace it one per day until end of wipe.
  10. Server: Pure Reason: Looting Length: Perm Notes: Had a warning from Macready last wipe about looting.
  11. Beronica


    @ZedNotZee Pumpjack placed.
  12. Beronica


    @dozzer @Finn Vip recycler is accessed by use /rec in the chat box.
  13. Beronica


    @SparklingPotato request filled
  14. My pumpjack on Pure is not producing any crude. I had 147 in it tonight, and no one else has been able to access it. And nothing in the end. Just tried again with only 10 lgf and still nothing produced.
  15. Beronica


    Can I get a pumpjack placement please?
  16. Been playing other games, especially since Summerset came out for ESO
  17. One of the reasons I went from Pure to Survival this month was the challenge of starting over. So in light of that, I did vote yes.
  18. The first level was fine. You simply had to pay attention. Just jumping around like a monkey in a circus does not equate a scavenger hunt for me. The few clues I was able to see were pretty good. Just not all of us are great jumpers. So the 'hunt' turns more into skill rather than intellect.
  19. So you fondly remember the hell that was the first part of D'bell's scavenger hunt last wipe?
  20. Beronica


    I would like a pumpjack placement on survival please.
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